28 Sept 2012

pork cutlet on rice Bento

* pork cutlet on rice bound together with egg
* macaroni salad
* dressed okura & mini tomato

27 Sept 2012

Meat loaf Bento

* meat loaf
* white mushroom saute
* japanese rolled omelette
* broccoli

26 Sept 2012

Chinese dumpling Bento

* Chinese dumpling
* mixed tomato, cucumber, cloud ear mashroom & bean‐starch vermicelli
* cooked pumpkin
* carrot &  walnut salad
* japanese rolled ommelette

25 Sept 2012

leftovers Bento

*  ketchup fried rice
* pumpkin tempura
* spring roll
* Japanese rolled omelette
* greenbeans wraped in bacon
* broccoli

24 Sept 2012

Pizza Bento

* pepperoni pizza
* fried chicken
* french fries

21 Sept 2012

Pork cutlets Bento

* pork cutlets
* mini tomato, garbanzo & tuna salad
* green beans stir fry


20 Sept 2012

Chinjao Rosu Bento

* chinjao rosu
* potato salad
* mini tmato, cucumber, mushroom salad
* Japanese rolled omelette

19 Sept 2012

Ome-rice Bento

* omelet with a filling of ketchup‐seasoned fried rice
* fried chicken
* edamame & nimi tomato salad
* potato sadad

18 Sept 2012

Stuffed peppers Bento

* Stuffed peppers
                                                    * mini tomato stuffed with egg salad
                                                             *  garbanzo & tuna salad
                                                      *  bean sprouts & celery stir fry
                                                                        *  broccoli


17 Sept 2012

Pork & cabbage stir fry Bento

* pork & cabbage stir fry
* bacon & lettuce stir fry
  * Japanese rolled omelette

14 Sept 2012

B.L.T sand Bento

                                                                  * B.L.T sand
                                                                  * french fris
                                                            * zucchini's omellete